
Showing posts from December, 2021

designers vs. artificial intelligence

My assumption was that the contemporary seeking of simplicity causes sameness. After searching simplicity approaches in design through history, I realized it is based on function. Previous examples of simplicity do not suffer from the lack of character, as current ones do. Nowadays, simple design is mainly to implement a template without minding the requirements of the specific project. Mass production reaches an impasse when it competes on a price basis only. So, the competition began to be based on esthetic values in many fields. In the book Propaganda, Bernays mentions that the taste and opinion of the authority are recognized by society (1928) and the esthetic values are always guided by monopolies. Manufacture is being modified to suit the economic need and meet the public demand for more beauty. (Bernays, 1928) A monopoly means a company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service. There are various monopolies throughout history, from Standard Oil (1890s) to Mic...

Flash vs Apple

Simplicity and complexity in design have been following each other for ages. Oversimplification to be functional lose its function in the end. Similarly, making something overly complex to personalize leads to lack of characterization. The reason behind sameness in design is to implement a mainstream approach overly or gratuitously. But does it cause from the misperception of designers or the boundaries that design tools set? *** In 1996, Macromedia acquired a vector-based web animation tool called FutureSplash, originally released in 1993. By 2009, Adobe announced that this tool -Flash - was installed on 99% of internet-connected desktop PCs. It grew because it filled a gap. Animations, video, sound, and interactivity were launched to web by dint of Adobe. But it is said that Adobe failed to capture the world of mobile devices, even with its efforts like Flash Lite. When the iPhone came out, Flash wasn't quite ready. But also, I think Apple wanted to create an Apple-only ecosy...